3 min read

It's Time to Get Back to Business.

If you're struggling to grow your business, I might be able to help.
It's Time to Get Back to Business.
Photo by Richard Balog on Unsplash

Several years ago I decided to stop offering my services to clients.

I was totally burned out after three decades in the creative industry. There was only so much marketing, branding, and design work I could do and I had reached my limit.

Plus my wife and I sold everything to travel the world, choosing to explore on the adventure of a lifetime together.

It’s been a glorious journey.

Then over a year ago my brother in law hired me as a consultant to streamline his trucking company and bring it into the 21st century. All of their business systems were outdated and highly ineffective. There was no real technology in place.

Additionally they were not being profitable.

Every week was a struggle to pay the bills and stay afloat. Factoring invoices and getting an advance for a 3-8% loss wasn’t helping the situation, but it was the only way they could survive. There were a couple of weeks we almost didn’t make payroll.

Things had to change!

So I started to dig into every aspect about the trucking industry and his business. I discovered many areas that could be improved, not only from a tech stack perspective, but also from a company perspective.

I also had to navigate a lot of federal and state requirements. That alone can drive a person mad. If you don’t keep up with the guidelines, they shut your company down. The trucking industry isn’t easy to be in.

But after a year and a half, I’m proud to say his business has turned around. We have solid systems in place, have streamlined the entire process, and it’s been more profitable.

Even though it’s been a lot of work, being able to help a small business owner achieve a higher level of success has been extremely rewarding.

white freight truck on road during daytime
Photo by Anthony Duran on Unsplash

What does this have to do with you?

Thousands of small businesses fail every year and survival is getting even harder in the current economy.

Things are changing quickly and many conventional companies aren’t ready for it. If they don’t adapt and improvise soon, they’ll be a death statistic as well. The hard part is business owners know it — they just don’t know how to overcome it.

I’ve talked with many entrepreneurs who are struggling to figure shit out.

As always I encourage them to think outside the box and to be unconventional. They cannot always rely on what they know or think because it could be wrong.

My brother in law didn’t believe we could charge more for our services or get paid faster by clients. This is the way it’s always been done he said. Yet I was adamant about the changes and it worked. Those two things alone saved his business!

Is your company struggling to be better or healthier? Could you improve your business systems to be faster, easier, or more profitable?

Maybe I can help and that’s why I’m getting back into business.

Helping the underdogs win their fight.

I don’t know about you but I’m sick of seeing the big dogs like Amazon take down thousands of great small businesses across the United States.

Personally I think some could survive, even thrive, if they chose to stop being so damn traditional or focused on outdated principles. But it’s hard for business owners to let go of the way it’s always been done. So unfortunately the business dies.

On the other hand, I love seeing the underdogs win.

There is nothing more exciting than watching a business defy the odds to achieve success and I believe I can help them. Perhaps even you.

My passion to see others kick ass at what they do is strong, and if that’s something that interests you, then please sign up for this publication. We can do it together.

It’s time to get back to business!